Orchid Phalaenopsis SURABAYA


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Flower Color: Pink and Red

Flower Size: 10 cm

Shelf Life: 14 days

Orchids belong to the family Orchidaceae, one of the most diverse, largest, and evolved plant families, and one of the three major families of flowering plants, with around 26,000 species and thousands of hybrids from various regions of the world. The commercially relevant species today primarily include the Phalaenopsis group, commonly known as butterfly orchids, and the Cymbidium group.

The flowering season and timing of orchids vary; it typically starts in December and lasts for several months. After flowering, a period of rest and recovery is needed before they can bloom again. Generally, Phalaenopsis can flower at least once and sometimes up to three times a year.

The size of Phalaenopsis flowers ranges from 5 cm to 12 cm in diameter. Their colors are very diverse, including white, purple (violet), striped purple, pink, yellow, and combinations of white and pink, among others.

Orchids are particularly important for the horticulture and floristry industries. Additionally, the potential use of orchids for pharmaceutical purposes, such as Dendrobium (in traditional Chinese medicine) and in the perfume industry, is progressing, which further emphasizes their value.

Among the over 700 genera in this family, the Phalaenopsis genus is the most significant in the global floriculture industry. This genus is unique due to its wide variety of flowers (color, shape, and fragrance) and long-lasting blooms (which facilitate transportation to distant locations).

Orchids were among the first plants to be mass-produced in vitro and have always attracted the attention of biotechnology researchers. For this reason, efforts to find methods for their mass production in artificial environments have continued from the past to the present.

1-2. Suitable Growth Conditions

In general, orchids grow in tropical regions of Asia with temperatures ranging from 28 to 35 degrees Celsius during the day, and 20 to 25 degrees Celsius at night, along with high relative humidity. Phalaenopsis prefers shaded conditions and can absorb nutrients through its roots and leaves. The roots also serve as an anchor for the plant. Phalaenopsis is best grown in modern greenhouses with a height of 4 meters, using both glass and plastic greenhouses for cultivation. If nights are cold, using two layers of plastic is advisable.

Pot and Growing Medium

Generally, 12 cm pots are used for cultivation, and the pots are transparent. When choosing the growing medium, it is important to ensure a mixture of coarse particles for drainage and smaller particles (but not too fine) for water and nutrient retention and distribution. The bottom layer should not contain a lot of fine particles, as this creates an overly compact structure at the base of the pot. The mixture commonly used in the Netherlands includes tree bark and sphagnum moss. The use of a mixture of tree bark and coir chips (at a ratio of 70%-30%) is also becoming increasingly common.


Cultivation of Phalaenopsis consists of three stages: growth, cooling, and flowering.

  1. Growth Stage: The suitable temperature during the growth phase is 27 to 30 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature during this phase is 26.5 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature ranges from 30 to 32 degrees Celsius.
  2. Cooling Stage: Plants with 4 to 5 mature leaves, measuring at least 10 to 15 cm in length, are transferred to the cooling phase, which can occur at any time of the year. The cooling period averages between 6 to 7 weeks at temperatures of 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. A shorter cooling period can lead to irregularity in flowering. It is possible to maintain lower temperatures during the night to counterbalance high daytime temperatures. A night temperature of 18 degrees Celsius or slightly lower is essential, especially if daytime temperatures exceed 22 degrees Celsius. The lowest possible cooling temperature for Phalaenopsis is around 17 degrees Celsius without causing leaf damage. Lower temperatures or a night temperature of 17 degrees Celsius without high daytime temperatures (over 24 degrees Celsius) may cause leaf damage. Lower temperatures and increased light intensity required for flower stalk growth can often cause the leaves to take on a reddish hue. This discoloration, which occurs during the cooling period, is not a problem. After temperature changes during the flowering stage, the flowers will grow and the leaves can return to their original color.
  3. Flowering Stage: To accelerate the flowering process and achieve long and beautiful stems, temperatures should range from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius during the flowering stage. With an average temperature of 20-21 degrees Celsius, the quality of the plants is at its best. The greater the temperature difference between day and night, the longer the flower stalks become.

Light Intensity

Providing adequate light during cultivation is crucial for the proper growth of leaves and roots. Excessive light intensity can scorch the leaves. Insufficient light can lead to dryness, poor-quality plants, and inadequate root growth. Overall, orchids require light intensity between 5000 and 10,000 lux.

Relative Humidity

Although Phalaenopsis can protect itself effectively against very low relative humidity, relatively high humidity is necessary for proper plant growth. High humidity, combined with high temperatures, increases the risk of bacterial diseases. It is important to maintain humidity within the range of 60 to 75 percent. In conditions of very low relative humidity—especially when combined with higher temperatures—it is essential to install systems that increase humidity without wetting the crop (e.g., high-pressure misting in the upper greenhouse area, under-pot watering lines, pad/fan systems, etc.).


The amount of water required for the plants depends on the weather, substrate, and the age of the crop. Water should be free from chemical contamination. Additionally, water should not contain excessive amounts of bicarbonates and elements such as sodium and chlorine exceeding 100 mg per liter. The EC of irrigation water should be less than 0.2 mS/cm. In the absence of high-quality water resources, the use of purified water will be essential.

Financial and Economic Aspects

  • Estimation of fixed capital, including the costs of foreign and domestic machinery and equipment, transportation and office supplies, infrastructure and building costs, technical expertise costs, and project costs (consultation services, training, and other pre-operational expenses).
  • Calculation of working capital and total investment for the project (in foreign and domestic currency).
  • How to secure financing for total investments (short-term, long-term loans, and cash contributions).
  • Estimation of production costs and the final price of the product (material costs, labor costs, depreciation, maintenance, administrative and distribution costs, annual energy consumption costs, etc.) broken down by currency.
  • Estimation of product selling price (considering international prices and domestic markets).
  • Sales forecasting, production planning.
  • Preparation of profit and loss statements.
  • Preparation of cash flow tables.
  • Estimation of profit levels.
  • Calculation of economic decision-making indicators.
  • Sensitivity analyses (financial profitability analysis of the project, examining quantitative factors affecting profitability).
  • Type and manner of partnership and financial investment and their durations (composition of partnership, extent of private sector participation, etc.).
  • Initial assessment of the financial and technical capabilities of partners and participants in the project, and any agreements and contracts that may have been established in this regard.

Mahan Kesh Company, a knowledge-based company, is the first and only producer of orchids through vegetative methods in Iran. Mahan Kesh aims to enhance modern agriculture and horticulture in the country and responds well to market needs by offering quality products and services. To order their products online, especially various types of Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings, please act now.

Additional information


بذری سایز صفر یا سازگار نشده, بذری شش ماهه, رویشی سایز صفر, رویشی شش ماه


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