Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht knowledge-based Company

Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht Company has produced seedlings of different varieties of orchids by using the micro-protocol with high efficiency, as well as supplying adapted plants with the desired quality.

Considering the country’s increasing need for new and improved varieties of orchids, on the one hand, the added value of ornamental flowers, as well as the benefits of their domestic production, including job creation and production at an affordable price, Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht Company by achieving the latest Technology in the field of mass production of these plant species has taken action to reduce the country’s need.

Mahan Kesht products

Orchids are one of the best-selling ornamental flowers in the world, and their production has become a major industry in the global flower trade and they are considered one of the top 10 cut flowers in the world. One of the major challenges in orchid cultivation is the mass production of orchid seedlings, as their propagation through seeds and conventional vegetative propagation methods such as cuttings and division are very difficult and cannot be used for large-scale production.

The commercial method of orchid propagation is in vitro propagation, and tissue culture is inevitably used to meet the increasing demand for orchids in the market.

What are our goals?

1. Production and supply of varieties suitable for the Iranian market on a large scale, in a minimum time and in a less space to meet the country’s need for seedlings of different orchid varieties.

2. Reduction of the cost price compared to imported figures

3. Production of plants free from pests and diseases, which, considering the costs of growing flowers, the use of high-quality seedlings is of great importance.

ارکیده فالانوپسیس KOBE
ارکیده فالانوپسیس SURABAYA
ارکیده فالانوپسیس HONG KONG
ارکیده فالانوپسیس گلدانی رقم leeds

The plants produced by Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht Company have advantages such as the following:

In the country, the method of orchid propagation is in the form of seeds, which unfortunately, due to the non-uniformity and low speed of plant growth, has caused the dissatisfaction of orchid flower producers, and in practice, the cultivation of this flower still relies on imports and has caused many problems for orchid flower growers. . Considering the country’s increasing need for new and improved varieties of orchids, on the one hand, the added value of ornamental flowers, as well as the benefits of their domestic production, including job creation and production at an affordable price, the development of an efficient protocol, and the acquisition of the latest technology in the field The mass production of these plant species is necessary and inevitable.

The production of plants with the optimized protocol by Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht Company is asexual (non-seed) method and has resulted in the production of plants with a very high uniformity.

One of the major challenges in growing orchids is the mass production of its seedlings. Despite the high importance of orchids and the great demand for them in the market, unfortunately, a significant part of the country’s need for seedlings of different varieties of orchids is provided through imports. The main reason for this issue is the difficulty of propagating orchids because their propagation through seeds and conventional vegetative propagation methods such as cuttings and plant division is very difficult and cannot be used for large scale production. The germination of orchid seeds in nature is very difficult due to the characteristics of the seeds, because their seeds are small and lack endosperm and require a stimulating fungus for germination, as a result, seed germination is very weak (less than 1%). . On the other hand, propagation of orchids using seeds leads to the production of non-uniform plants, so protocols that provide regeneration from vegetative parts of mature plants are necessary.

Orchids belong to the Orchidaceae family, which is one of the most diverse, largest and most evolved plant families and one of the three large families of flowering plants with about 26,000 plant species and thousands of hybrids from different regions of the world. Orchid cultivation is an international business that includes nearly 8% of the world flower trade and is considered as one of the top 10 cut flowers in the world. Orchids are especially important for the horticulture and florist industries. In addition, the potential of using orchids for medicinal purposes such as dendrobium (in traditional Chinese medicine) and perfumery industries is developing, which in turn adds to the importance of the value of orchids.

Among the more than 700 genera of this family, the Phalaenopsis genus is the most important in the world floriculture industry. This genus is unique due to the high variety of its flowers (color, shape, and fragrance) and the high durability of the flower (which allows it to be transported to far places). Orchids are among the first plants whose mass production took place in vitro and have always been of interest to biotechnology researchers, and for this reason, from the past until now, they have sought to find methods for their mass production in environments are artificial
