About Us

Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht knowledge-based Company with the presence of a number of young graduates in various fields such as agricultural engineering and physiology and fruit tree improvement (in master’s and doctoral degrees) in order to solve the problems of producers in the growth center of the National Research Institute of Genetic and Bioengineering This company is managed by Dr. Rostami, who has specialized doctorate in the field of physiology and plant breeding. Ornamental, medicinal, tropical and sub-tropical, citrus, vegetable and summer tissue culture in the laboratory, greenhouse, garden, farm and other plant production systems, production and commercialization of the active ingredient and secondary metabolites of medicinal plants and setting up its production line , activity in the field of production of hairy roots of medicinal plants, activity in the field of production of hybrid seeds, their cultivation and commercialization, activity in the field of production and commercialization of plant cells and their products, consulting, building, setting up, development and Supporting laboratory, greenhouse, field, garden and production units in the field of agriculture and new agricultural technologies in all agricultural products (both normal and strategic) wood, medicinal and ornamental plants, summer and other plant species, providing training in He mentioned all the different fields of agriculture, including laboratory, greenhouse, garden, farm, etc., development and establishment of tissue culture laboratory, activity in the field of modern agricultural science and its expansion, commercialization of agricultural technologies, preparation and production of tissue culture protocol.

Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht Center is one of the tissue culture production centers in Iran, which is equipped with modern systems used in leading European countries in plant biotechnology, a capable scientific team, and having one of the largest tissue culture laboratories in the country, has been able to To be included among the main and influential collections of this field in the country.

The initial core of this company was formed in 2022 with the presence of a number of young graduates (in master’s and doctoral degrees) in the fields of physiology and plant breeding in order to solve the problems of orchid flower producers in the growth center of the National Research Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. This company was officially registered in 2022 and in the spring of 2023, it became a knowledge-based company.

Iran has a unique and extensive geographical potential and biological and climatic diversity, and the agricultural sector plays a very important role in economic development. The development of the agricultural sector due to its importance in providing food security, the ability to create jobs, reducing imports and the possibility of earning foreign currency through exports, as well as providing raw materials and raw materials for the industrial sector, the need to pay more attention to this sector and prioritize it in It warns the country’s macroeconomic approaches.
Familiarity with the development of modern gardens and controlled environments including standard greenhouses can be an effective step in the prosperity of the horticulture sector. In advanced and ultra-advanced gardens, vegetative and modified seedlings are used. These gardens have many advantages compared to the gardens built in the traditional way, among which the following can be mentioned:
The possibility of building dense gardens, early productivity, creating uniformity in garden trees, resistance to drought, salinity, pests and diseases and high quality of produced products. It should be noted that advanced gardens can be fully mechanized on a large scale and operations such as pruning, spraying and harvesting can be done by machine. Also, many industries related to packaging and processing operate more purposefully and as a result, exports and income generation develop.
Considering the growing need of the country’s agricultural sector for new and improved cultivars and fruit tree bases compatible with the weather conditions, on the one hand, the added value of the country’s horticultural products as well as the benefits from their exports, achieving the latest technology in the field of mass production of these Plant species are necessary and unavoidable. Currently, the most efficient technology for the mass propagation of new and improved fruit tree bases and cultivars is the use of plant tissue culture technology. Tissue culture along with genetic engineering methods is one of the important pillars of biological technology and is considered as one of the world’s advanced sciences, which in an artificial environment by creating conditions similar to the natural environment, minimizes the time of plant reproduction and produces the healthiest and highest quality products. offers

Zist Fanavaran Mahan Kesht knowledge-based Company has a plant tissue culture laboratory and a fully specialized adaptation greenhouse.

Some of the company’s achievements can be mentioned as follows:

  1. It is the first producer of orchid seedlings by vegetative method. One of the major challenges in growing orchids is the mass production of its seedlings. Despite the high importance of orchids and the great demand for them in the market, unfortunately, a significant part of the country’s need for seedlings of different varieties of orchids is provided through imports (at least 7 million dollars of formal and informal imports). Mahan Kesht Company By obtaining the latest technology in the field of mass production of these plant species, it has acted to reduce the country’s need.
  2. Production of effective medicinal substances in medicinal plants
  3. Micropropagation of various plants, including garden plants (roots of fruit trees such as 677GF and GN, improved varieties of banana and pineapple), medicinal plants (reddish, thyme, etc.) and ornamental plants (orchid, anthurium, and bride’s flower) through Tissue culture followed by adaptation and transplantation
  4. Using vermicompost and nanobiotic fertilizers instead of using chemical fertilizers
  5. Successful use of peppermint plant extract to deal with some fungal and bacterial diseases in humans
  6. Development of a protocol for somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature anthers through tissue culture with high efficiency that can be widely used in different grape cultivars.
  7. The first successful experiment of gene transfer in Iranian grape varieties
  8. Production of some products, including strawberries, in a hydroponic greenhouse